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Summer storms can bring heavy rains, strong winds, and even hail, and they can wreak havoc on your roof. If your home in Lawrenceville, GA, has recently been hit by a summer storm, it’s essential to take action promptly to assess and address any roof damage. At Danley Roofers, we understand the importance of a quick response to storm-related roofing issues. In this article, we’ll guide you on what to do if your roof has been damaged by a summer storm.

**1. Safety First: Before inspecting your roof, ensure your safety and well-being. If the storm is ongoing, it’s best to stay indoors and wait for it to pass. Once it’s safe to go outside, exercise caution when inspecting your property, especially if there are downed power lines or fallen debris.

**2. Inspect Your Roof: After the storm has passed, visually inspect your roof for signs of damage. Look for missing or damaged shingles, dents or punctures, granule loss, and any visible leaks or water stains on your ceiling or walls. Binoculars can be a handy tool to help you get a closer look at your roof without having to climb up.

**3. Document the Damage: It’s essential to document the damage by taking photographs or videos. This visual evidence will be valuable when working with your insurance company and roofing contractor. Make sure to capture the extent of the damage from multiple angles.

**4. Address Immediate Issues: If you discover a significant leak or visible damage that is causing water to enter your home, take immediate action to minimize further damage. Place buckets or containers to collect water, and if safe to do so, consider placing tarps or temporary patches to prevent additional water infiltration.

**5. Contact Your Insurance Company: Contact your homeowner’s insurance company to report the storm damage. Provide them with the documentation and evidence you gathered during your inspection. They will guide you through the claims process and help determine coverage for the repairs.

**6. Schedule a Professional Inspection: While a visual inspection can help identify some damage, it’s crucial to have your roof professionally inspected by experienced roofing contractors like Danley Roofers. Roofing experts can assess the extent of the damage, identify hidden issues, and provide a detailed estimate for repairs or replacements.

**7. Avoid DIY Repairs: It may be tempting to attempt DIY repairs, but it’s generally not advisable, as it can lead to further damage or void your insurance claim. It’s best to leave roofing repairs to professionals who have the expertise and equipment to handle the job safely and effectively.

**8. Select a Reputable Roofing Contractor: When choosing a roofing contractor for storm damage repairs, opt for a reputable and experienced company like Danley Roofers. Look for contractors who are licensed, insured, and have a track record of quality workmanship.

**9. Discuss Your Options: Your roofing contractor will provide you with options for repairs or replacement based on the extent of the damage. They will also work with your insurance company to ensure that the necessary repairs are covered.

**10. Prepare for Future Storms: Once your roof is repaired or replaced, consider proactive measures to protect your home from future summer storms. This may include installing impact-resistant roofing materials, reinforcing your attic insulation, and ensuring proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.


Summer storms can be unpredictable, and their aftermath can leave your roof in need of repairs or replacement. It’s essential to take prompt and appropriate action to assess and address any damage. By following these steps, from ensuring your safety to contacting professionals like Danley Roofers, you can navigate the post-storm process effectively and restore the security and integrity of your home’s roof. Remember that addressing storm damage promptly can help prevent more extensive and costly issues down the road.

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